Bogor, 11 – 12 January 2020, Platinum Jaya Logistic had an outing at Bumi Tapos. All employee and staff from Head Office, Airport Branch, Warehouse Branch, and and Port Branch gathered in this outing. In order to build the teamwork to be stronger, the management chose We are One Team One Goal as the theme.
Departed on Saturday at 6AM, we arrived at Bumi Tapos, Bogor at 8AM and start the event immediately. All staff gather in hall to do a presentation from each division. Started with Platinum Jaya Arta, Finance, Sales, IT, Operational, Warehouse, and final speech from Directors. Presentations were about Summary of 2019 and Work Plan for 2020.
Presentation is done at 12 PM. Then all staff gather to do Rafting at Cisadane. This outing closed by Picnic at Kopi Daong.